Saturday, August 31, 2019

Literature in the Trash Essay

Society has almost forgotten how to appreciate literature. These are the themes of both Mario Vargas Llosa’s essay entitled, Why Literature, and Bob Swift’s On Reading Trash. Both writers believe that people nowadays are not delving into books because of misconceptions regarding reading. However, they have written their ideas using very different and contradictory approaches. Llosa’s belief is that people are so engrossed in their own worlds or professions to provide time for reading good literature. Society has learned the wrong notion that great books can only be read by those who can afford to devote time to it. Since work is the priority in most people’s schedules, literature has to be put aside. He also believes that this miserable state of literature in society is caused by the fast development of science and the other scholarly aspects of life. Llosa states that â€Å"in our time, science and technology cannot play an integrating role, precisely because of the infinite richness of knowledge and the speed of its evolution, which have led to specialization and its obscurities.† However, Llosa strongly feels that literature is a binding force that helps humans reconnect with each other through their experiences, dreams and ambitions. He writes that â€Å"the brotherly link that literature establishes among human beings, compelling them to enter into dialogue and making them conscious of a common origin and a common goal, transcends all temporal barriers.† His most controversial claim is that â€Å"genuine literature is always subversive, unsubmissive, rebellious, a challenge to what exists.† He simply wants to imply that good stories or readings usually depict a life that is much better than what reality has to offer. This normal characteristic of literature is a driving force that makes humanity attempt to copy the fictional worlds in books so as to live better lives. Bob Swift’s very brief essay, on the other hand, recounts how he has grown to love reading. His story does not directly point out society’s weaknesses but it is evident to the reader that he is attacking the wrong notion that appreciating literature is only for those who like classical readings. He clearly believes that children should be free to read even popular books (a.k.a. â€Å"trash†) because their appreciation for these simpler to understand books can lead them to love good classical literature. Although both writers are criticizing society for not reading enough, Llosa and Swift have written their essays in very different ways. Llosa used lengthy, descriptive sentences that can easily tire and lose the reader. His use of words that are not commonly heard in daily living can really be very boring to a young reader. Words like â€Å"solipsism† and â€Å"arcane† are deterrents in getting his message across. It might have been easier to understand these words if they were not part of such long sentences that seem to be saying more than just one message at a time. Swift was direct to the point and frank in every way. His use of brief but very concise words allowed the reader to quickly pick up his point. The hardest word in his essay seemed to be â€Å"omnivorous.† However, because the word was used in a very short sentence, it was easy to understand what it meant. Llosa’s approach encompassed the whole world. He even used Spain’s surveys to prove his point. Swift’s farthest distance to get his message across was the local library. Somehow, Llosa’s essay tends to be arrogant and cynical. Statements like â€Å"I feel sorry for these men† and â€Å"they earn my pity† forces the reader to look up to him and feel his judgmental tones. His sentences such as â€Å"When we close the book and abandon literary fiction, we return to actual existence and compare it to the splendid land that we just left. What a disappointment awaits us!† gives a peek to how negative this writer is about his surroundings. Although Llosa claims he loves literature, he delved too much on the subject of what hinders good literature from being read to the point that the reader does not feel the passion in his words. The author’s perspective dwelt so much on current and historical problems that it was inevitable for the reader to feel anxious throughout the essay. It seems he has alienated himself from the world because of literature. Swift’s love for reading is very much felt in every paragraph of his essay. His personal approach and overflowing description of his excitement when he is reading books was contagious. One cannot help but reach out for a story to read after finishing his essay. Swift’s very practical and positive outlook is evident in the way he has written his essay. His own theory that states â€Å"if you get kids interested in reading books – no matter what sort – they will eventually go to the grander literature all by them selves† shows how down to earth the author is. It also shows how much faith he has on beginning readers. Mario Vargas Llosa and Bob Swift both recognized that society’s misconception about literature is a problem that needs to be addressed. Their approaches to the subject provide clues to their own outlooks in life. Whichever approach may be preferred, it is still to a reader’s advantage to learn his lesson from these authors and read a good book soon.

Disadvantages of video games Essay

Video games have been available to consumers for the last 30 years. They are a unique form of entertainment, because they encourage players to become a part of the game’s script. Today’s sophisticated video games require players to pay constant attention to the game, rather than passively watching a movie. This has both positive and negative impacts on players. Several studies have been published that explore these impacts on today’s children. Sections: What impact does playing video games have on children or adolescents? Tips on managing your child’s media consumption. The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) References What impact does playing video games have on children or adolescents? The most widely used â€Å"positive† impact video games are said to have on children is that they may improve a player’s manual dexterity and computer literacy. Ever-improving technology also provides players with better graphics that give a more â€Å"realistic† virtual playing experience. This quality makes the video game industry a powerful force in many adolescent lives. However, numerous studies show that video games, especially ones with violent content, make teens more aggressive. Part of the increase in aggressive behavior is linked to the amount of time children are allowed to play video games. In one study by Walsh (2000), a majority of teens admitted that their parents do not impose a time limit on the number of hours they are allowed to play video games. The study also showed that most parents are unaware of the content or the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rating (see below) of the video games their children play. In another study conducted by Gentile, Lynch, Linder & Walsh (2004, p.6) â€Å"adolescent girls played video games for an average of 5 hours a week, whereas boys averaged 13 hours a week†. The authors also stated that teens who play violent video games for extended periods of time: Tend to be more aggressive Are more prone to confrontation with their teachers May engage in fights with their peers See a decline in school achievements. (Gentile et al, 2004). The interactive quality of video games differs from passively viewing television or movies because it allows players to become active participants in the game’s script. Players benefit from engaging in acts of violence and are then able to move to the game’s next level. Gentile & Anderson (2003) state that playing video games may increase aggressive behavior because violent acts are continually repeated throughout the video game. This method of repetition has long been considered an effective teaching method in reinforcing learning patterns. Video games also encourage players to identify with and role play their favorite characters. This is referred to as a â€Å"first-person† video game (Anderson & Dill, 2000, p. 788) because players are able to make decisions affecting the actions of the character they are imitating. After a limited amount of time playing a violent video game, a player can â€Å"automatically prime aggressive thoughts† (Bushman & Anderson, 2002, p. 1680). The researchers concluded that players who had prior experience playing violent video games responded with an increased level of aggression when they encountered confrontation (Bushman & Anderson, 2002). In a Joint Statement (2000) before the Congressional Public Health Summit, a number of American medical associations — the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychological Association, American Academy of Family Physicians and American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry — caution parents about violence in the media and its negative effect on children. Their report states that exposure to violent media can elevate aggressive feelings and thoughts, especially in children. These effects on aggressive behavior can be long-term. Although fewer studies have been conducted on interactive video games, evidence suggests that playing violent video games may have a more dramatic influence on the behavior of children and adolescents (Joint Statement, 2000). Back to top Tips on managing your child’s media consumption Because of the popularity of video games, completely eliminating them from your child’s life might be difficult. But you can decrease the negative impact that they have on your child. Here are a few tips: Know the rating of the video games your child plays (see below). Do not install video game equipment in your child’s bedroom. Set limits on how often and how long your child is allowed to play video games. Monitor all of your child’s media consumption — video games, television, movies and Internet. Supervise your child’s Internet use — there are now many â€Å"video games† available for playing online. Take the time to discuss with your children the games they are playing or other media they are watching. Ask your children how they feel about what they observe in these video games, television programs or movies. This is an opportunity to share your feelings and grow closer with your child. Share with other parents information about certain games or ideas for helping each other in parenting. Back to top The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) The ESRB is a self-regulatory body established in 1994 by the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA). The major video game manufacturers created this board after concerned groups applied pressure over the content of video games. Similar to the movie industry’s rating system, all major game companies now submit their new products for rating to specially trained raters at the ESRB. The ESRB rates over 1,000 games per year. The ESRB looks at a number of factors when rating games. In particular, it considers the amount of violence, sex, controversial language and substance abuse found in a game. Based on its developed guidelines, the ESRB then gives an age recommendation and content descriptor to each game submitted. The following are the rating symbols currently in use, according to the ESRB Web site. Early Childhood (EC): Content should be suitable for children 3 years and older and contain no objectionable material. Everyone (E): Content suitable for persons ages 6 and older. The game may contain minimal violence and some â€Å"comic mischief. † Teen (T): Content suitable for persons ages 13 and older. Content is more violent than (E) rating and contains mild or strong language, and/or suggestive themes. Mature (M): Content suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Content definitely has more mature sexual themes, intense violence and stronger language. Adults Only (AO): Content suitable only for adults and may contain graphic sex and/or violence. Adult Only products are not intended for persons under the age of 18. Rating Pending (RP): Game has been submitted to the ESRB and is awaiting a final rating. The ESRB Web site has more details about this rating system, as well as the â€Å"content descriptors† that are used in conjunction with the ratings on game packaging. The site is also useful for parents who want to search for the rating of a particular game. Back to top References Bushman, B. & Anderson, C. (2002). Violent Video Games and Hostile Expectations: A Test of the General Aggression Model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 1679-1686. Gentile, D. A. & Anderson, C. A. (2003). Violent video games: The newest media violence hazard. In D. A. Gentile (Ed. ), Media violence and children. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishing. Gentile, D. A. , Lynch, P. , Linder, J. & Walsh, D. (2004). The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviors, and school performance. Journal of Adolescence, 27, 5-22. Joint Statement on the Impact of Entertainment Violence on Children: Congressional Public Health Summit. (July 26, 2000. ) Available: http://www. aap. org/advocacy/ releases/jstmtevc. htm. Walsh, D. (2000). Interactive violence and children: Testimony submitted to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate. (March 21, 2000.). Back to top Source: http://www. pamf. org/preteen/parents/videogames. html By Andrea Norcia, college student writer Reviewed by the Web Content Committee of PAMF Additional articles: Violent Video Games and Aggressive Behaviors, By Andrea Norcia, college student writer Join the conversation: Website Feedback Site Map  © 2012 Palo Alto Medical Foundation. All rights reserved. Sutter Health is a registered trademark of Sutter Health ®, Reg. U. S. Patent. & Trademark office. Serving communities around Palo Alto, Mountain View, Fremont, San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, Dublin, San Mateo & Santa Cruz.

Friday, August 30, 2019

An Analysis of Julia Alvarez’s Poem, “Touching Bottom” Essay

In the poem’s first stanza, Alvarez says, â€Å"Sometimes the best advice comes randomly†Ã¢â‚¬â€but without intent, how can it be advice? Perhaps good advice consists simply of one’s own ideas, rendered into words by another and recognized by the self as something true. If we go by this definition, then the random pieces of advice are, indeed, good advice. She is thus saying that some of the best â€Å"advice† is recognized by the self and in the self, and not merely received from others. Such advice is possibly worth more than any intentional directive, because the meaning of the advice is something that one makes for oneself. Alvarez implies that good advice is abundant, but requires some recognizing—which is what she does. To be able to give good advice, a person must think like the recipient of the advice, and who better to think like the recipient than the recipient herself? Alvarez creates remarkable associations in her mind between randomly heard directives and the troubles of her life; she is actually both the giver and the receiver of the random â€Å"advice†, and whoever (or whatever) â€Å"gave† her the advice only has an intermediary role. These random pieces of advice are nothing like what we usually conceive advice to be, but are simply reminders of things that she already knew. Thus these random pieces of advice that she recognizes are essentially advice that she gives to herself. In the second stanza, Alvarez talks of the power of these random bits of wisdom. She realizes that â€Å"a minotaur of your own making†Ã¢â‚¬â€that is, self-imposed limitations—puts the mind into a certain degree of paralysis, and that randomly received advice, in their simplicity, have the power to awaken an awareness of truisms deeply buried in the subconscious. Alvarez in essence, is talking about the â€Å"shock of recognition† that she experiences when she hears these random bits of meaning. It takes these to remind her of her own good ideas that she may have unintentionally discarded into the â€Å"dark labyrinth† of her mind. Additionally, Alvarez implicitly contrasts her random bits of â€Å"advice† with true advice intentionally given by others—too often, such advice is derived from the experiences of the giver and not the receiver. The poem, because of its focus on â€Å"accidental† advice, reminds us of the tendency of people to ignore intentionally given advice, no matter how good, because advice is usually given based on the perceived needs of the recipient; although these needs are often misidentified. This contrasts with her accidental bits of advice, which by their very nature are good and well received. The random advice that Alvarez hears makes her capable of   â€Å"touching bottom.† Although â€Å"touching bottom† in general usage has the negative meaning of reaching the lowest point of something (such as when a company goes bankrupt), what she means by having â€Å"touched bottom in my life† is that she realized and recognized the basic and most important aspects of her life. The examples that she gives of these bits of advice, such as â€Å"Please hold through the silence† (which she is able to connect to her problem of writer’s block) are of secondary importance, serving only to illustrate and strengthen the poem’s main point, which is that one needs only to look into the self to find wisdom.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Theoretical framework Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Theoretical framework - Research Paper Example There are three key theories that seek to explain business ethics. The stockholder theory expounds on the fact that businesses are only obligated to earn profits for their stakeholders and are not necessarily indebted to the wider society (Shafritz, Ott and Jang, 2005). This theory holds the premise that a company is only morally obligated to fulfill the expectations of the people who invest in it. The social contract theory, on the other hand, which is another business social theory, stipulates that all companies function under a tacitly understood contract with the community they are established in. Business decisions are often affected by the social theory that is supported a company. For instance, if a small company was approached with a buyout offer by a larger organization that is known for its unethical practices, the stakeholder theory would support its consideration of how its stakeholders would gain from its agreement to this contract (Shafritz, Ott, and Jang, 2005). Howeve r, the social contract theory would call for the consideration of how the bigger companies operations would affect the entire community. Business Economic Theories Business economic theories seek to explain how businesses function in local and international financial systems. The business cycles theory holds that during a business cycle course, an economy develops, reaches a definite peak, and then experiences a downturn which is then followed by a recession prior to beginning another upturn. Another business economic theory, the "under-consumption" theory, holds that an excessive amount of income is directed to the wealthier classes instead of being channeled into investments that will create more opportunities for the disenfranchised groups in society (Shafritz, Ott and Jang, 2005). This can result in social instability. Business Educational Theories Business education management theories are basically the foundation of any operational and productive businesses, and seek to explai n how the organizations of different eras have been organized. The classical management theory is a theory that seeks to explain the best way for employees to execute their responsibilities. It is divided into the classic administrative and classical scientific branches. The classical scientific division mainly has to do with scientific mindset of boosting productivity (Shafritz, Ott, and Jang, 2005). Later management theories which moved from concentrating on the division of tasks to the issues that affect employees, were based on concepts such as those espoused by Abraham Maslow; who theorized that all workers possess a hierarchy of needs that needs to be acknowledged and catered to so that they can experience satisfaction with their lives. The Japanese scholar, Dr. William Ouchi, would create the Japanese Management Style which supports Maslow’s hierarchy in its assertion that even though it is natural for employees to want to work, all jobs should be created with the aim of keeping workers happy by means of fulfilling their psychological needs. Business Leadership Theories In business organizations, good managers will inspire their workers and assist them to realize their personal as well as professional objectives. Business leaders accomplish this by using various leadership theories. The trait theory holds that leaders who have characteristics such as openness, intelligence, self-efficacy, adjustment

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

God of Christianity vs. Allah of Islam. Although they are many Essay

God of Christianity vs. Allah of Islam. Although they are many similarities between the two, their vast differences support that Christians and Muslims worship - Essay Example Allah is the Arabic world and a given name to God as Yahweh, the holy trinity given to God in Christianity. Islam considers Jesus the true prophet of God whose message has later been corrupted. Whereas in Christianity Jesus is believed to be the Son of God, and savior of the world who has been crucified at the altar but Muslims believe that he has been lifted unharmed by Allah and will be resurrected before the Day of Judgment. Without understanding the history of 'tauheed' i. e. absolute monotheism in Islam in contrast with Trinitarians concept of God the issue of worshiping different Gods in both the religions cannot be understood. When Mohammad (the prophet of Islam) announced his prophet hood in the year 612 AD in Kaabaa (the Muslim's sacred house of Allah believed to be built by Abraham) was decorated with 360 idols placed by pagans of quresh tribes of Arabia. Pagans used to worship those idols for fulfillment of their worldly desires. The most famous idols were named as laat, mannat and huzza (shimmel 1990). The prophet placed the truthfulness of his message in the once and for all rejection of the worship of all the idols in one stroke. And he announced, " Say there is no God but Allah, so that thou be successful." Al Koran. From 1612 AD to 1622 AD he faced cutthroat opposition from the pagans of Mecca till he self exiled to medina, another holy city of Islam. Then onwards he placed all the emphasis on the absolute monotheism of God i.e. Allah. He integrated faith in tauheed and the matter of his prophet hood together in one pronouncement Kalama (an Arabic verse) "there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is the prophet of Allah." So early Islam remained in constant war with pagans of Arabia during the life of Mohammad and a long after him. The pagans had coined their own gods to worship and they were ready to sacrifice every thing for the sake of their faith. Islam developed as an anti-thesis of polytheism of Arabia. Koran was mainly believed to preach tauheed, (the absolute monotheism) during the stay of prophet Mohammad in Mecca from 572 AD to 612 AD. Perhaps there was no other slogan stronger than this one (tauheed) that could break and reorganize the Arab society under single leadership that later integrated economy, politics, state and religion together. The prophet after having achieved the basic success ensured that the edifice of his religion strongly stands on the basis of tauheed. He gave in Koran various strong commandments of Allah regarding tauheed. Historically Islam and Christianity coexisted side by side. Islam accepted Christianity as divine religion and ordained Muslims to believe in the entire previous prophet and not to discriminate between them. Koran gave a whole chapter on the innocence and virginity of Mary and confirmed the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. Any one who did not believe in the prophet hood of Mary and Jesus was not accepted as a Muslim. However Koran gave the concept of lifting alive of Jesus to heavens by God and his resurrection before the Day of Judgment. There is hardly any difference between the two religions as far as divinity, concept of dooms day, heaven and hell; angle and devil etc are

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Are early intervention programs like Early Head Start worthwhile Essay

Are early intervention programs like Early Head Start worthwhile - Essay Example The four areas are cognitive development, physical development, social development, and emotional development. Catering to the four areas enhances the poor child’s learning capacity. The early intervention programs like IDEA and Early Head Start are worthwhile endeavors (Currie, 2001). The Early Head Start program is defined as the early intervention learning strategy of our government. The program helps families equip their child for their first entry into the formal school classroom environment. The program caters to families having children within the three years old or younger age group. Likewise, the program includes mothers who are currently pregnant. The program trains the parents ensure the child learning experiences are maximized (Currie, 2001). B. The Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) intervention program is worthwhile (Duncan, 2010). The Early Learning Program cooperates with other education programs that are being implemented by our United States government. The IDEA program focuses on helping the disabled members of North American society improve their learning capabilities. The IDEA program includes a specialized learning program that is fitted for the disabled person. For example, the Braille learning system is used for the blind learning child. Sign language is used as a medium of learning instruction in a classroom of deaf-mute students. Further, the IDEA program is divided into several areas of child learning specialization. One area is reading comprehension. Another area is disabled child learning progress tracking. A third area is child learning accommodations. A fourth area is child learning assessment. A fifth area is child behavior improvement leading to better learning capacity. The IDEA program states the United States government prioritizes learning programs that are tailored to fit each disabled person’s learning situation (Duncan, 2010). C. Use of play materials early

Monday, August 26, 2019

Assignment Questions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Assignment Questions - Case Study Example The coefficient of population does not in any way affect any other coefficient or be affected. What we can derive from the population coefficient is that 3.48 is stronger tham 2.0 and 5.5 is stronger than 3.48. Current accounting information is sufficient. Cost of production of the items varies but there is cost that is associated to unused capacity in the firm. If Einstein Inc. decides to stop production of Product to the unused capacity in the factory such as space, engineers and production managers will have extra cost on the produced products. To avoid the extra cost from unused capacity the firm would have to sell more items from the items that are performing or to release the resources that would carry this extra cost such as retrenching managers involved in production of product 2 The period under which the economy heats up will require extra resources to produce product 1 and 4 to the maximum output. The information given in above is not enough to make a decision on how much is maximum output as there resources need to produce any of the products is not included. In calculating the maximum output for product 1 and 4 the firm needs to measure the maximum output of its resources (lumpiness of capacity). They need to establish the maximum capacity they can handle and factor it. The will also need to calculate the cost per unit during the maximum period considering the cost or unused capacity of product 2 and 5 and the limited capacity for product 3. Determining the unit cost of the product will enable the firm to calculate the maximum number of products they can produce for product 1 and 4 and take care of the unused capacity of other products also the firm will need to consider capacity product 3 which might increase the cost of production if the volumes reduce. The information provided is not sufficient, as the cost of production is not separate. While, this is true the focus on products

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing communications Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing communications - Case Study Example These leaders thrash their competition through superior customer insights that have been translated into compelling value propositions and superior customer experiences. Marketing has never been more significant as business firms scuffle and skirmish to differentiate themselves from competitors and obtain organic growth and financial success. Some of the world's most revered business corporations that include GE, Microsoft, and Intel, recognise the importance of marketing as a top line growth driver. At GE, where marketing was the "lost function" under Jack Welch, Jeff Immelt has invigorated the marketing organisation. At Microsoft, Steve Ballmer repeatedly stressed the marketing organization's lead role in making the company's "value propositions shine through for customers." And at Intel, Paul Otilleni fundamentally and drastically departed from the engineering-driven mindset of relentlessly increasing microprocessor speed to a marketing-led approach designing microprocessors for specific customer end-use applications like mobility and entertainment. While marketing is more influential and strategic at a few firms, the state of marketing at most firms is lacking. There are two evident problems with how marketing is practiced today-the role of the marketing organisation and the value that marketing is perceived to add to the firm's bottom line. Additionally, business firms, most especially huge organisations, employ an extensive array of marketing communications tools and metho ds to promote their companies, their products and services. Examples of these tools include brochures, mail shots, websites, TV ads and the like. The objective of all these is ultimately to achieve sales, customer base expansion and eventually market supremacy. Therefore, it is imperative for firms not just to be able to communicate effectively but to know what appropriate methods to use and determine if the segment they're trying to reach is really the sector they need to communicate their messages to. Integrated Marketing Communications This is a concept designed to unify all facets of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing. The goal is to fuse them into one working activity rather than permit each one to work in isolation. Basically, it aims to create and sustain a single look or message in all elements of a marketing campaign. However, practitioners remind clients that IMC should permeate every planned and unplanned communication at every contact point where the customer or prospect may receive an impression of the company. Practically, IMC must assimilate the corporate mission, the compensation plan, the management style, and employee training. It likewise includes packaging, positioning, promotions, pricing, and distribution. In its entirety, a successful integrated marketing communication plan should customise what is needed for the client based on time, budget and resources to reach targets or goals (Kotabe & Helse n, 2004; Young, 2005). Product Overview The PlayStation 3 trademarked PLAYSTATION3 but more commonly known as PS3 is the third video game console of the PlayStation brand from Sony Computer Entertainment. It is the successor to the highly sucessful PlayStation 2. It competes with Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii as part of the seventh generation of video game consoles. This is a fully

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Moral Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Moral - Essay Example In addition, the public and the school are also involved because they do not support abortion. Jane has a moral stake of admitting that she has been eavesdropping on the conversation of her best friend, and act that is ethically wrong. She should be a loyal friend to Sue, who does not invade her privacy without her knowledge. In addition, Jane has a moral stake of revealing that Sue and her younger brother have been sexually active and that Sue is considering an abortion. The school has a moral stake because it needs to maintain high levels of morality and a remarkable reputation. Without a doubt, the moral stakes of Jane and Sue are conflicting. If Jane decides to admit that she has been eavesdropping on Sue, their friendship will be compromised due to the invasion of privacy. In addition, if Jane decides to tell the truth about Sue’s plan of carrying out an abortion, she will also be putting the interests of her brother at risk. On the other hand, Sue’s moral stake in volves telling the truth that she has been sexually active and taking responsibility of her actions by keeping the baby. Sue also needs to identify the real father of her unborn child. It is Sue’s right to expect her phone call conversations to be entirely private (Fink, 2008). Assuming you are a deontologist like W.D. Ross, how would you weigh the different moral stakes, interests, or duties against each other? That is, are some moral stakes â€Å"weightier† than others? Are some moral considerations or interests or stakes more important than others? Can you rank them? From the case study, it is evident that Sue’s right to privacy is not as important as a violation of a moral law and taking one’s life through an abortion. In addition, Sue’s right to privacy appears to be less important than her indulgence in irresponsible sexual activity and secretly considering an abortion. In the case of Jane, invasion of privacy appears to be a less important issue than exposing the truth,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Discuss the banking regulatory and market framework in UK, address Assignment

Discuss the banking regulatory and market framework in UK, address thestrengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats - Assignment Example In 2009, collections for insurance premiums alone totalled nearly ?200 billion. The UK market for equities garnered 17% share of the global market in 2009, ranking only behind New York. Likewise, the fund management industry ranks among the world’s largest, managing some ?4.1 trillion for the year 2009. All in all, the financial services sector turned in the largest volume of corporate taxes for 2010, which comprised 11.2% of total tax receipts for the entire year. Contribution of output & employment to the UK economy from each financial services sector Financial Services Sub-Sectors Output (% of GDP) Employment Banking 5% 435,000 Insurance 2% 300,000 Fund Management 1% 50,000 Others including securities derivatives, commodities, and bullion 3% 208,000 Total 10% 993,000 Source: U.K. Parliament, 2011 Definition of financial stability The Bank of England is the statutorily designated entity to ensure the financial stability of the financial system of the UK, as pronounced in the Banking Act 2009. The specific definition of financial stability is difficult to delineate, because its context evolves over time. According to Adrian Coles, Director General of the Building Societies Association, articulated a definition for the proximate term, â€Å"monetary stability† in terms of a measurable objective, that is, the maintenance of a target inflation at 2%. In contrast, he highlights the elusiveness of the definition of financial stability: â€Å"How do we measure financial stability? How do we measure the success of the PRA? Is it one collapsed institution a year is okay but five, the Governor of the Bank has to write a letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer?† (Coles, in UK Parliament, 2011). This is one of the problems that must be faced if an agency is to be created and charged with the monitoring and maintenance of financial stability in the UK financial services industry. A consensus must be arrived at concerning its meaning, the extent to w hich it shall be achieved, the powers needed to ensure it, whether other policy objectives may be traded off for it, and in the case of the latter, how such trade-offs may be carried out. The most likely measures are to institute tighter measures to ensure increased capital ratios and improved quality of capital; however, these may only mitigate the dire effects of a crisis, not prevent them. In the past, however, the economic shocks used to emanate elsewhere in the system, such as in trade or business operations, and sometimes as a repercussion of unforeseen events, and then trickle down to the financial system. The recent crisis, however, emanated from a cause principally within the system, as a direct consequence of the actions of financial institutions, and then transmitted through the financial network by contagion (UK Parliament, 2011). In a market based economy, uncompetitive and inefficiently managed corporations should be allowed to fail: such is the position of the UK fina ncial authorities. In a stable financial system, though, other institutions should not be hard hit by contagion, or the adverse effects should be limited. The companies destined to fail should fail in such a way that it is the shareholders and creditors of the company that bear the risk of failure, not the public. â€Å"If necessary, an institution can be allowed to fail in a way that does not disrupt the financial system as a whole† (Treasury Committee, in UK Parliament, 2011). A major concern that must be addressed in the containment of contagion risks is the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Writer is free to pursue any field of inquiry Research Paper

Writer is free to pursue any field of inquiry - Research Paper Example This is arguably the greatest difference and point that makes the beloved better since unlike the summer’s day the beloved is eternal. Moreover, the final lines of the piece explains how the beloved shall live forever in the words of the poem. Additionally, the couplet cements this by arguing that the beloved shall live eternally as long as men breathe and eyes see. Nevertheless, to clearly understand the sonnet there it is important to focus more on the overriding theme and also the general feeling prevalent in the sonnet. Determination of the overriding theme requires a critical evaluation and analysis of the main emergent idea in the sonnet. Theme are important since they give a clearer and better understanding of the main argument in a poem. For this particular sonnet, the overriding theme can be considered to be love. This is because the greatest part of the sonnet mainly focuses on praises directed towards the beloved. Unlike the summer’s day that seems to lack in so many respects such as too short, too hot, and too rough among others, the beloved carries all the desirable aspects of a perfect summer day. For example, the second line states â€Å"Thou art more lovely and more temperate†. Inclusion of such praise towards the beloved shows the speaker’s view and in totality love is the most prevalent theme in the sonnet. Incorporation of emotions in poetry is considered to be of great importance. This is because presence of emotions in a poem creates a platform for readers to interact with the main idea of the poem. Since most poems are written in a seemingly hidden meaning technique, there is need to incorporate an aspect that can act as an intermediary between the persona and the reader hence enhancing understandability. Shakespeare has managed to invoke readers’ emotions through the comparison tactic. There is a general feeling of tenderness as the reader goes through

Studying the Philosophical Thoughts Essay Example for Free

Studying the Philosophical Thoughts Essay 1. Generalizing the conditions which form the philosophical thoughts of Chuang Tzu. Regarding the socio-economic conditions: Chuang Tzu lived in the Warring States Period. This period witnessed the increasing popularity of iron tools marked a revolutionary innovation of production tools and the development of social productive. Agriculture, industry and economy also developed during the Warring States Period. Feudal relations of production gradually formed, consequently when the Warring States period started, it marked the end of mode at the slavery which following a pattern of the Orient. The era of Warring States is trouble times. The great transformation of all aspects in this period has left many stamps which affect every fields of life and set out the philosophical problems for the time. Regarding the premise thoughts: Chuang Tzu lived in a period corresponding to the philosophical summit of Chinese thought — the Hundred Schools of Thought. It is also known as the Golden Age of Chinese philosophy because a broad range of thoughts and ideas were developed and discussed freely. Living in the most developed period of the Chinese philosophy, Chuang Tzu can know all the philosophies in The Warring States, except Han Fei’s theory. Living during the chaos, the philosophical thoughts of Chuang Tzu inevitably influenced by the History of Chinese’s thoughts at this time. Short introduction about Chuang Tzu and Nan Hua Zhen Jing Chuang Tzu came from the Town of Meng (in modern Anhui) in Song Dynasty, living in the time of King Hui of Liang and Kinh Xuan of Qi (late 4th century BCE). He is the typical philosopher for Daojia, one of the greatest philosophers in History of Ancient – Middle Age Chinese Philosophy. Chuang Tzu is considered to follow Lao Tzu’s doctrine of Dao, making it develop more bright and popular. He is a minor official in the town. However, he gave up his appointment and lived recluse for the rest of his life at Nan Hua Mountain in the state of Song. In this place, he wrote Nan Hua Zhen Jing. Nan Hua Zhen Jing (also known as The book of Chuang Tzu) is only work of Chuang Tzu that today we still know. This work was lost several time, recovered and then lost again. So it has some inevitable errors. This work, in its current shape consisting of 33 chapters, is traditionally divided into three parts: the first, known as the Inner Chapters, consists of the first seven chapters; the second, known as the Outer Chapters, consist of the next 15 chapters; the last, known as the Mixed Chapters, consist of the remaining 11 chapters. Chuang Tzu was renowned for his brilliant wordplay and use of parables to put forward his philosophical thoughts. Nan Hua Zhen Jing was translated into Vietnamese. The popular translators of Nan Hua Zhen Jing in Vietnam are Thu Giang – Duy Can Nguyen, Hien Le Nguyen, Tong Nhuong, Ton Nhan Nguyen. In my report, I read and quoted the translation of Hien Le Nguyen. 2. Some philosophical thoughts of Chuang Tzu in Nan Hua Zhen Jing World outlook of Chuang Tzu: The inheritance and development of Lao Tzu’s doctrine in the concept Dao. Chuang Tzu advocated that the primary sources of whole world is nothing. He found that everything in this world has the common origin which is called Dao, even though they have many differences. In Chuang Tzu’s conceptions, Dao is formless, unknown, empty, and it is beyond space, time, life and death. Dao is â€Å"non-material† so that no one gave it birth and it derived from itself. That means Dao had before heaven and earth. So Dao is the origin of universe. Chuang Tzu said that Dao constantly changes. Everything in this world always moves and transforms, and we don’t know where they start, how they end. However, they change follow the set of strict rules and have the natural power. Everything contains Dao as their nature. All are transformed by Dao of their own to suit different circumstances. This is the core of Chuang Tzu’s conception about Dao which represents the development of Lao Tzu’s doctrine to a new level. Epistemology of Chuang Tzu: Relativism. For knowledge, like Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu didn’t respect intellectual. He considers that intellectual knowledge is redundant because it will bring troubles. Chuang Tzu said: â€Å"There are limits in our lives, but there are no limits to knowledge. Using the limited thing to catch up with the unlimited thing can only bring troubles. Someone who already thinks they’re knowledgeable is really in trouble. † (Chapter 3, â€Å"Opinions on Nurturing Life†). Thus, he doesn’t encourage people to accumulate knowledge and opposes to argue with words. For Chuang Tzu, Dao is the supreme principle. He emphasized the absolute movement and ignored the stabilization. Chuang Tzu pushed the conception about relativity of Chuang Tzu into relativism. He advocated that there are no right and wrong, wealthy and poverty; no intellect, no arguments. Outlook on life of Chuang Tzu: Happiness is absolute freedom and absolute equality. *According to Chuang Tzu, the first of all happiness is lived freely follow natural essence, reaching the carefree roaming in this life. Philosophical thoughts of Chuang Tzu show us that wealthy or poverty, right or wrong, big or small, etc have no meaning at all. It is important that you have a happy life, reach to the carefree roaming, don’t you? Chuang Tzu mentioned that if we want to get the absolute freedom, we will have to live follow our natural essences. To do this, we need to expand our vision, do not set up obstacles for yourself. The carefree roaming requires human life keep pace with all things in the world from the heart, eyes and breath to action rather than antagonistic, requiring as sovereign of the universe. Happiness can really get in this world is encumbered with nothing inside. It sounds simple but is very difficult. It requires us to open eyes to perceive Dao everywhere, and everyone is encouraged to expand their mind by their experiences. We often spend a lifetime to explore the outside world, so we are losing the power to recognize the inner strength of ourselves. To reach the carefree roaming, we need to follow the natural essence, come back to the natural, rustic, carefree, liberated life. *The second is known how to make all things equal. Chuang Tzu said that to achieve the absolute Dao, the first step is that people need to remove their conceptions about right and wrong, considering the difference between things in this world is relative, in other words, it makes all things be equal. *Conception of Chuang Tzu about the true man and the true society. For Chuang Tzu, A true person has to be a carefree person. He said: â€Å"What is a true person? The true person of ancient times wasnt opposed to the idea of being different than the rest of society, didnt try to be macho, and didnt plan for a lucrative career. Someone like that could move from one situation to another with no regret, and measure up her self worth without becoming smugly self-satisfied. Someone like that could climb to dizzying heights without trembling in fear, enter water without feeling wet, and enter fire without feeling the heat. This kind of perception enables one to ascend on the tails of Dao. The true person of ancient times could sleep without dreaming, could awaken without anxiety, could eat food without relishing in it, and could completely fill her lungs when breathing. A true person breathed all the way down to her heels, while other peoples breath only filled the top of their lungs. Those who bend over in submission seem to spew forth words from their mouths like vomit. Those who harbor old desires deeply within them leave only a shallow space for the heavens to maneuver. The true person of ancient times wasnt aware of expressing joy in life, nor of feeling aversion to death. He didnt feel a need to be gracious when he left, nor did he feel a need to be aloof when he entered. He could leave as swiftly as he arrived, and there was nothing more to it. He didnt forget where he began, but didnt question where hed end up. He celebrated what was received, and recaptured what had been forgotten. This is called not using the mind to contribute to Dao, and not using people to assist the heavens. Thats what was called a true person. † (Chapter 6, â€Å"The Great and Most Honored Master†) Chuang Tzu said the world â€Å"does no need governing; in fact it should not be governed†, and, â€Å"Good order results spontaneously when things are let alone. † Murray Rothbard called him â€Å"perhaps the world’s first anarchist†. * Nan Hoa Zhen Jing of Chuang Tzu has high value philosophy and value artist. In this book, Inner Chapter is contained the most of his philosophical thoughts such as world outlook, epistemology, outlook on life, etc. It showed us that Chuang Tzu’s thoughts thought is not much, but deep, profound and mysterious.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Speech Males And Females Communication Differences English Language Essay

Speech Males And Females Communication Differences English Language Essay Introduction: The differences in linguistic styles between males and females have exercised linguistic researchers for decades (e.g. Trudgill 1972; Lakoff 1975; Labov 1990; Coates 1998). It has been argued for some time that some consistent differences exist in speech, Holmes (1993). Although the interpretation of such differences remains somewhat elusive. Most previous work has investigated apparent phonological and pragmatic differences between male and female language use in speech (e.g. Trudgill 1972; Key 1975; Holmes 1990; Labov 1990; Eckert 1997). Several statistical phenomena have emerged that appear to be fairly stable across a variety of contexts. For example, females seem to talk more about relationships than do males (Aries Johnson 1983; Tannen 1990) and use more compliments and apologies (Holmes 1988; Holmes 1989) and facilitative tag questions (Holmes 1984). Holmes (1993) has suggested that these and other phenomena might be generalized to a number of universals including that females are more attentive to the affective function of conversation and more prone to use linguistic devices that solidify relationships. However, interpretation of the underlying linguistic phenomena, particularly as regards their specific communicative functions, is the subject of considerable controversy (Bergvall et al 1996). For example, it has been argued (Cameron et al 1988) that the use of facilitative tag questions by women might be more plausibly interpreted as signs of conversational control than as signs of subordination, as had been previously contended (Lakoff 1975). Nevertheless, broadly speaking, the differences between female and male language use appear to be centered about the interaction between the linguistic actor and his or her linguistic context. Are gender issues just women issues? No, but it is understandable that many people think so. This is because in most societies women are subordinated to men. And they are thought to be inferior to men. Many women do not accept this, and therefore they challenge the way their culture and society ascribes them an inferior position and an inferior role. That means, it often tends to be women who raise the issue of gender. But gender refers just as much to the position and role of men in society. Are gender differences in communication patterns related to power? When people are strangers, they expect less competence from women than from men. But if women are known to have prior experience or expertise related to the task, or if women are assigned leadership roles, then women show greatly increased verbal behaviors in mixed-sex groups. Educated professionals who have high social status were less likely to use powerless language, regardless of gender. Thus, differences are linked to power, and are context-specific. Differences are socially created and therefore may be socially altered. Studies have found that talking time is related both to gender (because men spend more time talking than women) and to organizational power (because the more powerful spend more time talking than the less powerful). Who Talks More, Men or Women?    A common cultural stereotype describes women as being talkative, always speaking and expressing their feelings. Well, this is probably true; however, do women do it more than men? No! In fact an experiment designed to measure the amount of speech produced suggested that men are more prone to use up more talking time than women. An experiment b y Marjorie Swacker entailed using three pictures by a fifteenth century Flemish artist, Albrecht Durer which were presented to men and women separately. They were told to take as much time as they wanted to describe the pictures. The average time for males: 13.0 minutes, and the average time for women 3.17 minutes. Why is this?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sociolinguists try to make the connection between our society and our language in a way that suggests that women talk less because it has not always been as culturally acceptable as it has been for men. Men have tended to take on a more dominant role not only in the household, but in the business world. This ever-changing concept is becoming less applicable in our society, however, the trend is still prominent in some societies across the world. It is more acceptable for a man to be talkative, carry on long conversation, or a give a long wordy speech, however it is less acceptable for a women to do so. It has been more of a historical trend for men have more rights to talk. However , it is common for men to be more silent in situations that require them to express emotion. Since childhood, they have been told to keep their cool and remain calm, be a man. Literature Review The different sources that Ive read and used in the literature review presented different points of view and analysis for the subjects by reliable writers and authorities in this issue. All the sources that were used assume that there is a real difference in communication between males and females, and they agreed that there were many misunderstandings or misinterpretations in communication between genders. However, each article and source presented its own examination of the miscommunication, and they proposed different ways by which to investigate this social issue. According to an article entitled Differences in Gender Communication (2005) there is another form of differences between genders. Communication can be verbal, non verbal, or written because people can communicate also using the mail system, the written way is added to the interpersonal communication in addition of course to the verbal and non verbal ways. From reading this article, it was clear that gender differences in communication existed also in the written way because we can determine the gender of a person just by reading its written words. The differences that exist between genders and the reason why women cant be more like a man play an important role in the creation of misunderstanding in communication. Also differences present the essential causes that lead to a disagreement in communication between the two genders. There are some factors that contribute to the instinctive differences that exist between genders; for instance, there are biological ones, also there is a kind of competitiveness that exists between men and women. In addition, the cultural part enters also into consideration. Another point stated by Hill (2002) is that, there are many styles of communication. These styles are the result of many factors where were from, how and where we were brought up, our educational background, our age, and it also can depend on our gender (p. 87). In communication, generally men and women have special manners and styles of speaking also a specific subject, Coates (1986, p 23). Many studies have been done to clarify the difference in communication between men and women. According to Canaray and Dindia (2006): Researchers typically report that men are more likely to emerge as leaders, to be directive and hierarchical, to dominate in groups by talking more and interrupting more. In contrast, women are found to be more expressive, supportive, facilitative, egalitarian, and cooperative than men, and to focus more on relationships and share more personally with others From this description of the difference between men and women at a level of behaviors, it was clear that women convey their ideas and feelings and cooperate more than men who want to be the leaders and to direct. In addition, the difference between genders in communication causes misunderstanding and leads to conflicts. For example, women might disclose their feelings and the problems that they are facing, but men think that women need help, so they start giving advice and trying to help. However, women behave like that in order to get closer to others not to get solutions (Gray, 1992, p 96). Another important point argued in the research of Tanner (2002) is the reason why difference exists in communication between genders. It is said that these differences should not exist because men and women might belong to the same environment as being neighbors or brothers and sisters, yet the difference is present even if they have a similar background. The dissimilarity rises from the games that boys and girls play since their childhood, and the groups they form. For example, boys form a big group and one is the leader; however, girls tend to form small groups and they disclose their feelings and their opinions (Tanner, 2002). Torppa claims that women and men sometimes perceive the same messages to have different meanings (2002, p112). That is due to the difference in the way of interpreting messages by the two genders. In fact, women are more likely to depend on others. In other words, women want to establish an emotional and passionate interdependence with men. Moreover, women try to satisfy the others as much as possible to make everyone satisfied, merry and happy whereas men more often stick to their independence and try to keep it intact whatever the situation may be. Besides, the spirit of competition inside them let these ones think of themselves more than any other one. Nevertheless, the misunderstandings between these two genders are mostly due to a difference in the way each one expresses oneself. Many examples of the normal life analysed by Torppa revealed that misunderstandings can be caused by a distortion in the manner people want to manifest their emotions and feelings to the other sex: wome n tend more to use words while men prefer generally to show them with acts. The possible way for coping with miscommunication is to try to be aware of the differences that exist with the other sex as well as to figure out what is the point of view or the angle from which the other sees the situation. Lakoff (1975) pioneering work suggested that womens speech typically displayed a range of features, such as tag questions, which marked it as inferior and weak. Thus, she argued that the type of subordinate speech learned by a young girl will later be an excuse others use to keep her in a demeaning position, to refuse to treat her seriously as a human being (1975, p.5). As what was said before, the difference of communication between men and women can trigger some misunderstandings, and in order to overcome this problem men and women should deal with each other as if they are from different cultures. They should not misinterpret words and body language, and try to understand what the other wants to convey. Moreover, they have to clarify and make sure that they understand the other by asking questions and doing perception checking (Lathrop, 2006). Conclusion The differences between genders in communication exist, not only in the verbal way but also in the non-verbal one was proved true. Moreover, these differences in communication are mostly due to culture, education and biologic origin. The consequences of these differences in communication which is misunderstandings that also proved right. However, new ideas also found in such as the fact that a significant number of men are concerned about this issue and have feelings of disappointment when facing misunderstandings with the other sex. No matter what communication style there is both men and women will communicate in different ways. Men will take the approach of instrumental communication style where they want the answer right away and establish their hierarchy. Women, on the other hand, will be more of an expressive style of communication as they will be able to confide to others and are more sensitive to issues than men and they will be able to build, maintain, and strengthen their relationship.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Maxillary Central Incisor Tooth Form, Facial Form and Gender

Maxillary Central Incisor Tooth Form, Facial Form and Gender Title: Correlation of the maxillary central incisor tooth form with face form and gender in a section of the North Indian population – An AutoCAD analysis ABSTRACT Aim: An esthetically pleasing restoration or prosthesis should not be identifiable as artificial, but should be in harmony with the natural tooth arrangement of an individual. This study aimed to determine whether a correlation exists between the maxillary central incisor tooth form and the facial form and gender of subjects in a selected sample of the North Indian population. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge and Implants, Manav Rachna Dental College, Faridabad. Two standardized photographs each (portrait [closed lips] and teeth in occlusion [with cheek retractor]) of 200 subjects of North Indian origin (age range 18-25 years) studying at Manav Rachna International University were assessed for facial form and tooth form, using the AutoCAD © (Autodesk Inc. 2013, California, USA) software. Results and Conclusion: A statistically significant correlation of the maxillary central incisor tooth form with the inverted face form of the subject was found in a section of the North Indian population. However, the correlation between the maxillary central incisor tooth form and gender of an individual was found to be statistically insignificant. Keywords: Maxillary central incisor, tooth form, face form, gender, AutoCAD Introduction Esthetic dentistry is fast becoming a key consideration for dentists and their patients. Although, a smile is characterized by numerous factors involving both the teeth and surrounding soft tissues, the esthetic appearance of the anterior teeth contributes to a persons self confidence and how attractive he/she is perceived by others.1 For an esthetically pleasing smile, the position, form and colour of the maxillary central incisors are the most essential factors.2 Since the maxillary central incisors play a key role in the dental composition, various anthropometric and biometric references are used in their design and selection in esthetic accordance with the facial form of the patient.3 When only parts of the dentition have to be restored, the remaining natural dentition can serve as a guide, providing a relatively simple and direct procedure to design artificial teeth that blend with or complement the natural dentition. However, in cases where all the teeth are missing and the entire dentition has to be restored, and no information can be gained from the remaining natural teeth, old photographs, or cast models, other methods have to be applied to select and design the missing teeth.1 These methods are not only useful for complete dentures but also for any complex anterior restoration.2 Esthetic dentistry tries to produce a prosthesis that defies detection. This is possible only when, the tooth form, shade and tooth size of the patient are in optimum harmony with their facial form, dimensions and facial complexion. In 1914, Williams 4 was the first to suggest that a correlation existed between the upside down facial shape and the shape of the upper central incisors. Form shape came to be guided by comparison with the inverted shape of the face. According to this classification, the dental outlines of the upper incisors were in three shapes: tapered, ovoid and square, which is still considered by prosthodontists.5 In 1955, Frush and Fisher6 introduced the concept of dentogenics or the dentogenic theory which stated that the correct tooth form should be designed or selected with regard to the patients sex/gender, personality and age (SPA factor). The prosthodontics literature pertains primarily to the non-Indian population and there is a lack of information on the selection and design of artificial anterior tooth forms in the Indian population. The knowledge of racial norms for facial appearance might aid practitioners, since the treatment given would be in harmony with the facial appearance for patients of different races. Most studies,7, 8, 9 on the subject of artificial teeth design and selection, with respect to facial form and gender, have been based on subjective evaluation and assessments of different individuals; with lack of standardized methods and techniques and unavailability of technological resources. Hence, their reliability has been questionable. This study attempts to increase the accuracy of the methodology by employing a software known as AutoCAD © (Autodesk Inc. 2013, California USA) Auto Computer Aided Design and Drafting. AutoCAD is a 2-D and 3-D, vector based, computer-aided drafting software application used in architecture, construction and manufacturing to assist in the preparation of blueprints and other engineering plans. 10 This high end technology has been applied to make the process of evaluating the maxillary central incisor tooth form, easier, objective and more accurate. The present study aims to assess whether a correlation exists between the maxillary central incisor tooth form and face form of the subject and also to assess if any gender differences could be seen in relation to the form of the maxillary central incisor. The null hypothesis of this study is that there are no gender specific differences in tooth form as well as no correlation between facial form and tooth form of a person. Materials and Methods A total of 200 dentulous subjects of North Indian origin (age range 18-25 years) studying at Manav Rachna International University, with well aligned natural maxillary anterior teeth were randomly selected. The subjects being young adults belonging to different parts of North India formed an appropriate representative sample. Each subject was interviewed, to confirm the inclusion criteria and to rule out the exclusion criteria. The exclusion criteria were: subjects with anterior teeth fractures, subjects having maxillary anterior teeth with extensive carious lesions, subjects with incisal wear of maxillary anterior teeth, subjects with gingival hyperplasia in the maxillary anterior teeth, subjects who have undergone orthognathic surgery, orthodontic treatment, and those with congenital or surgical facial defects, those with microdontia or macrodontia and subjects with any type of prosthetic restoration on their anterior teeth. A participant informed consent form (PICF) was provided in both english and hindi languages. The informed consent form was explained to each participant and was signed by them before starting the procedure. A standardized photographic procedure was used to obtain images of the face and the maxillary central incisors. Each subject was made to sit upright on a chair with the occlusal plane of the maxillary teeth parallel to the floor. Two standardized photographs were taken for each subject: portrait (closed lips) and the maxillary incisors (without lips). For each photograph, standardized distances (portrait – 100cms, teeth- 12cms) were used (from the tip of the subject’s nose to the centre of the camera lens). A fixed focus of 1:1 was used for each subject, with theEF 100 mmf/2.8 Macro USM lens. The height of the Canon EOS 1100D DSLR camera mounted on a tripod (Traveller Mini Pro Tripod For Canon EOS 1100D) was adjusted individually according to the position of the subject’s face and teeth. A full face photograph with closed lips was obtained, with lens positioned parallel to subject face. The subject’s hair did not cover any part of the face and the teeth we re in contact [Figure 1]. The standardized photographic procedure was followed as per the earlier method followed by Wolfart S et al.2 Intraoral photographs of maxillary central incisors were obtained until the lens was parallel to the labial surface of the teeth. Cheek retractors were used to obtain full exposure of the maxillary central incisors. The maxillary incisors were centred in the photograph, with the midline centred and perpendicular to the incisal plane [Figure 2]. Using the image editing software (Adobe Photoshop 8.0.1, Adobe systems, San Jose, California), the images were adjusted so that the maxillary incisors remain centred in the image, one at a time, with the long axis set vertically. [Figure 3]. The mathematical assessment of the photographs was done according to the methodology proposed by Wolfart et al 2. The outline of the upper right incisor was traced and in the next step, the median of the tooth was drawn in the sketch. (X) was the most apical point of intersection between the median and the outline. Mesial and distal tangents were constructed to the outline – parallel to the median. Two perpendiculars were drawn on the median starting from the most apical (O1) and most incisal (O2) point of intersection between the outline and the tangent. They define two points of intersection (S1 and S2). The line S1S2 was bisected (S). By taking the width of the tooth through (S) the widest stretch across the tooth was defined (TB). Dividing the line SX into five parts, the line TA could be constructed parallel to TB on 4/5 of the length of XS. The outline sketch was turned upside down for the evaluation of the face shape. The lines FB (the widest stretch across the face) and FA (a defined parallel stretch to line FB) were constructed in an analogous manner to the lines TA and TB. [Figu re 4]. For the evaluation of the face shape, the outline sketch of the portraits was turned upside down. The facial outline form was determined by the outline of the temporal bone at the height of the hairline, temporal process of the zygomatic arch and the gonion. The facial quotient (FQ) was calculated in an analogous manner to that of the tooth quotient (TQ) [Figure 5]. According to the numerical values that were obtained, dental and facial forms were classified as: [2] Tapered (≠¤ 0.61) Oval (≠¥0.61 and ≠¤ 0.70) Square (≠¥ 0.70) The data, for each subject were recorded in a standardized proforma, along with the photographs of the subject before and after analysis. Results The data obtained were arranged systematically and transferred to Statisticals Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20, IBM Inc. for analysis. The following statistical methods were employed: descriptive statistical tests, chi square tests, independent t-tests and Spearman correlation. The level of statistical significance was set at p-value ≠¤ 0.05. Chi-square test was used for comparison between categorical variables. Student’s ‘t’ test was used for comparing two groups with respect to continuous and normally distributed variables. Discussion The design and selection of maxillary anterior teeth for esthetically pleasing prosthetic rehabilitation has long posed a challenge in clinical practice. A reliable and reproducible method is required for prosthetically restoring anterior teeth in terms of their size and form, which are in proportion to the face and gender of the patient. Our first objective was to determine the maxillary incisor tooth form of each subject using the AutoCAD software. The study was then classified into three forms ovoid, square and tapering. The oval category was the most prevalent tooth form among the study population while the square tooth form was the least prevalent. These findings were in accordance with the study by Brunetto et al 11 on a Brazilian population. However, in a study conducted by Wolfart et al 2 on a German population, although the oval category of tooth form was most prevalent, the least prevalent tooth form seen was the tapered form. These differences may be due to ethnic and genetic population variability and greater software accuracy, adopted in the present study. Our second objective of the study was to determine whether a correlation existed between the maxillary central incisor tooth form and the face form. Since this finding is statistically significant in the present study sample, therefore, the null hypothesis of the study, was rejected. This was in accordance with the results of studies by Selg 12 and Sellen et al 3 which postulated that the face form of a patient was helpful in selecting the artificial tooth form for their prosthesis. Our results also confirmed William’s â€Å"law of harmony† which states that a correlation exists between the inverted facial shape and the shape of the maxillary central incisors.4 Some studies 5 and literature reviews 3,13 confirm that even despite controversies surrounding the authenticity of William’s law of harmony, it is still the simplest, the most useful and the most predictable method of artificial tooth selection for anterior teeth. On the other hand, the validity of William ’s classification has been questioned by various authors. 14,2,15,16,8,17,18 The positive correlation seen between tooth form and face form in this study as compared to statistically insignificant results obtained in various previous studies 2 can be attributed to the use of a more practical, technically advanced and precise AutoCAD © (Autodesk Inc. 2013, California USA) software which enhanced the accuracy and reliability of the analysis. Previous studies were mostly based on visual and subjective determination of the tooth and face forms and hence did not provide valid results. The genetic variability of different populations, on which past studies have been conducted, may also have some influence on the final results. Our third objective was to determine whether a correlation existed between the tooth size and the gender of a person. This correlation was found to be statistically significant. The size of the maxillary central incisor in men was found to be larger than that of women. This is in accordance with studies which concluded that tooth size is known to correlate with gender.1,19,20,21 Our fourth objective was to determine whether there was a correlation between the tooth form and the gender of the person. This correlation was found to be statistically insignificant. This result was in agreement with that of Wolfart et al 2 and Berksun et al 16 who noted no significant differences in tooth form between the genders. However, Horvath et al 1 and Brunetto et al 11, reported that maxillary anterior teeth do have gender specific differences and that tooth shapes are gender specific. In our study, the oval tooth form was found to be the most prevalent in both the genders. This was similar to the results obtained by Brodbelt et al 22 and Wolfart et al 2. Hence, choosing the oval form has a better chance of matching the original tooth, irrespective of the gender. A higher percentage of the square tooth form was seen in women as compared to men. This result was also similar to that of Wolfart et al 4 and Brunetto et al. 11 This finding suggests that opting for a square toot h form for a male patient is statistically more likely to result in a mismatch. Hence, the dentogenic concept that suggests that the female teeth should be more rounded and the male teeth should be more squarish is not supported by the results of this study. Conclusion Within the limitations of this study, it was found that in a section of the North Indian population that: The oval tooth shape was most common while the square tooth shape was least common. The tooth size was generally found to be larger in males than in females. A significant correlation could be found between the face form and tooth form of a person, thus validating William’s law of harmony.2 No correlation or gender- specific differences could be found between the tooth shape and gender of a person. Hence, the dentogenic (SPA) concept was which states that tooth form is related to the SPA of the patient is not validated and supported by this study. 1

Monday, August 19, 2019

Is there ever a solution for working mothers? :: essays research papers

The vast majority of mothers in the world today are working and earning. Where they work may range from the family compound, to nearby fields, to local markets, to industrial parks, to corporate headquarters; but in both developing and developed countries women are economically active, providing support for themselves, their children, and their families According to it states that: Not only are more mothers working but, in both the modern and traditional sectors, more mothers with very young children now find it necessary to venture further from home in order to provide a livelihood for the family. While it is difficult to find statistical breakdowns of the number of working mothers in most parts of the world, especially where large numbers of women are employed in the informal sector, in the United States today nearly 57 percent of women with children under the age of six are employed, and the trend appears to be growing. The number of women returning to the job market in the U.S. within one year of giving birth, for instance, rose from 31 percent in 1976 to 50.8 percent in 1987. The critical question is who is going to care for their children while they are working, because, in virtually all parts of the world, providing suitable child-care arrangements is the responsib ility of the woman. One problem is that, in too many cases, adequate child care is not available, and when suitable arrangements do not exist, women face not only limitation of employment options and confinement to low-income occupations (where there is generally greater flexibility), but frequent high levels of stress, anxiety, and fear. There is a need for another care giving alternative: delegation of responsibility to a formally or informally organized system of childcare.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Mountain Against the Sea Essay -- History, Zionist, British

In Mountain against the Sea (2009), Salim Tamari investigates dichotomies that exist within the historical memory of Palestinian â€Å"modernity† prior to and during Zionist and British influences and how this has contributed to the separation from the social changes that were taking place in Ottoman Palestine at the turn of the twentieth century. Typical historical methodologies have used the Nakba as the defining moment of change within Palestinian societies. Tamari, on the other hand, moves beyond this essential methodology and explains how modernity and complex social changes were occurring in Ottoman Palestine even before 1917. By taking advantage of geographical terminologies, he explains this through the cultural divides that were arising through the connector cities, such as Jaffa, between the inland (mountain/traditional) cultures and the cosmopolitan coastal (sea/contemporary) cultures. Tamari utilizes and builds upon theories of small town urban sprawl and demonstr ates how social control (authoritarianism) differed between Ottoman Palestine and current small towns within the West Bank. Building upon these internal changes taking place all over Palestine before, and to some extent after the Nakba, Tamari proceeds with the second half of the book by narrowing the focus on particular urban intelligentsia, and social and political reformers. Much of the discussion here is devoted to those participating within Jerusalem society and the author challenges conventional ideas of the city being devoid of modernity prior to British entanglements. Building upon his urban foci of â€Å"hybridity,† Tamari explains the cultural hybridity that took place within Ottoman Palestine. Many of his arguments challenge typical ideas about early Pale... Arab Communist like Najati Sidqi; the resulting conclusion is always the same – the traditionalist perspective of a pastoralist Palestine is unfounded. By investigating early cosmopolitan social shifts, popularized ceremonies, the rise of urban intelligentsia, the destruction of coastal cosmopolitan centers and the resultant small town social authoritarianism, the rise of the â€Å"nostalgic narrative† referencing a lost traditionalist society, and the subsequent generations to synthesize imagined societies with reality, Tamari has successfully challenged the Palestinian rhetoric of who Palestinians were before, during, and after the Nakba. Tamari has utilized â€Å"new† sources of information leaning heavily on memoirs, unpublished diaries/journals, and commemorative events resulting in an amalgamation of new perspectives on the social changes within Palestinian society. Mountain Against the Sea Essay -- History, Zionist, British In Mountain against the Sea (2009), Salim Tamari investigates dichotomies that exist within the historical memory of Palestinian â€Å"modernity† prior to and during Zionist and British influences and how this has contributed to the separation from the social changes that were taking place in Ottoman Palestine at the turn of the twentieth century. Typical historical methodologies have used the Nakba as the defining moment of change within Palestinian societies. Tamari, on the other hand, moves beyond this essential methodology and explains how modernity and complex social changes were occurring in Ottoman Palestine even before 1917. By taking advantage of geographical terminologies, he explains this through the cultural divides that were arising through the connector cities, such as Jaffa, between the inland (mountain/traditional) cultures and the cosmopolitan coastal (sea/contemporary) cultures. Tamari utilizes and builds upon theories of small town urban sprawl and demonstr ates how social control (authoritarianism) differed between Ottoman Palestine and current small towns within the West Bank. Building upon these internal changes taking place all over Palestine before, and to some extent after the Nakba, Tamari proceeds with the second half of the book by narrowing the focus on particular urban intelligentsia, and social and political reformers. Much of the discussion here is devoted to those participating within Jerusalem society and the author challenges conventional ideas of the city being devoid of modernity prior to British entanglements. Building upon his urban foci of â€Å"hybridity,† Tamari explains the cultural hybridity that took place within Ottoman Palestine. Many of his arguments challenge typical ideas about early Pale... Arab Communist like Najati Sidqi; the resulting conclusion is always the same – the traditionalist perspective of a pastoralist Palestine is unfounded. By investigating early cosmopolitan social shifts, popularized ceremonies, the rise of urban intelligentsia, the destruction of coastal cosmopolitan centers and the resultant small town social authoritarianism, the rise of the â€Å"nostalgic narrative† referencing a lost traditionalist society, and the subsequent generations to synthesize imagined societies with reality, Tamari has successfully challenged the Palestinian rhetoric of who Palestinians were before, during, and after the Nakba. Tamari has utilized â€Å"new† sources of information leaning heavily on memoirs, unpublished diaries/journals, and commemorative events resulting in an amalgamation of new perspectives on the social changes within Palestinian society.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Study Of Aging And Care Health And Social Care Essay

The word â€Å" Aging † and â€Å" Old Age † are extremely subjective. â€Å" Aging † is defined as the clip from birth to the present for a life single, as measured in specific units ( John Anne ) . The significance of old and aging depend to a great extent on how old the talker is and that individual ‘s experiences. The procedure of aging is a complex 1 that can be described chronologically, physiologically, and functionally. Chronological age refers to the figure of old ages a individual has lived. Physiological age refers to the finding of age by organic structure map. Although age- related alterations affect everyone, it ‘s impossible to nail precisely when these alterations occur. Functional age refers to a individual ‘s ability to lend to society and profit others and himself. In an effort to farther specify the aging population, old age has been divided into chronological classs: Young-old ( ages 65 to 74 ) Middle-old ( ages 75 to 84 ) Old-old ( age 85 and older ) Demographic ripening is a planetary phenomenon. By 2025, the universe ‘s population is expected to include more than 830 million people at an age of 65 years. With a relatively immature population, India is still poised to go place to the 2nd largest figure of older individuals in the universe. Recent statistics related aged individuals in India ; showed that every bit many as 75 % 0f aged individuals were populating in rural countries. About 48.2 % of aged individuals were adult females, out of whom 55 % were widows. A entire 73 % of aged individuals were illiterate and dependent on physical labour. One tierce was reported to be populating below the poorness line, i.e. , 66 % of older individuals were in vulnerable state of affairs without equal nutrient, vesture, or shelter. About 90 % of the aged were from the unrecognised sector, i.e. , they have no regular beginning of income. The socio economic jobs of aged are now yearss aggravated by factors such as the deficiency of societal security and inadequate installations for wellness attention, rehabilitation etc The particular characteristics of aged population in increasing in the India are a bulk ( 80 % ) of them are in the rural countries, therefore doing service bringing a challenge, Feminization of the aged population ( 50 % 0f the aged population would be adult females by the 2016 ) , a big per centum ( 30 % ) of the aged are below poorness line. And another ground is Increase in the figure of the older ( individuals above 80 year ) . National sample study ( 2004 ) reveals that bulk of the aged in both rural ( 50. 20 % ) and urban ( 57.35 % ) countries are wholly dependent on others for economic support. About 15.20 % of the aged in rural countries and 13.71 % of the aged in the urban countries are partly dependent on others. Aging is a normal portion of human development. The forms of aging – what happens, how and when – vary greatly among older people. Although specific alterations are identified as portion of the normal aging procedure, each individual ages in his ain manner. As the old ages accumulate, people become more diverse instead than more similar, each influenced by physical, societal, and environmental factors. How a individual ages depends on a combination of both familial and environmental factors such as life experiences, available support systems, get bying accomplishments. Acknowledging that every person has his or her ain alone familial make-up and environment, which interacts with each other, helps us to understand why the aging procedure can happen at such different rates in different people. An overall, familial factor seems to be more powerful than environmental factors in the finding the big differences among people in aging and lifetime. The aging procedure will impact the old age people physically, psychologically, socially, spiritually. As ageing advancement, physically old age people become less active. Based on wear and tare theory of aging, degenerative alterations takes topographic point about in all the systems such as encephalon, cardio vascular system, respiratory system castanetss exposing the aged people to a greater grade of physical unwellnesss. As a individual ages, centripetal capablenesss such as hearing, vision, touch, gustatory sensation, and odor are deteriorating. Hearing and vision losingss are more disconcerting, because they straight affect ability to execute activities of day-to-day life, endanger the bodily safety, and distort communicating. Reports besides shows that Prevalence of chronic diseases among the aged in general seem to be really high. It is higher in the urban countries ( 55 % ) than in the rural countries ( 52 % ) . Onset of damage was 60 old ages or above 54 % ( balmy motor disablement ) to 69 % ( ocular damage ) of the aged patients. However, disablements are more common among aged females compared to male up to age 80, beyond which disablement becomes less due to increased figure of adult female aged. Psychosocially, due to the aging procedure old people are frequently down and experience loneliness. Because old people are frequently ill and tired and besides retired, old people normally do n't hold money, they must pass money for medicines. They ca n't eat a batch of dishes, because of wellness grounds ; liver, bosom and weak dentition. Old age people frequently have depressions and sometimes do n't desire to populate any longer due to the loss of partner. ( Miller, 2007 ) Aged people are extremely prone to mental morbidities due to ageing of the encephalon, jobs associated with physical wellness, intellectual pathology, socio – economic factors such as break down of the household support systems, and lessening in economic independency. The mental upsets that are often encountered include Dementia and Mood Disorders. Other upsets include neurotic and personality upsets, drug and intoxicant maltreatment, craze, and mental psychosis. Emotional upsets are the most common psychological issue faced by the aged people which result from the societal mal accommodations. Failure to accommodate consequences in resentment, inner backdown, depression, fatigue of life and even suicide. Sexual accommodations – After the age of 40, there is surcease of reproduction by adult females and decline of sexual activity on the portion of work forces. As a consequence, physical and emotional perturbation may happen. Jealousy, crossness are really common and frequent. Impaired memory, stiff mentality and opposition to alter are some of the mental alterations in the aged. The rapid urbanisation and societal modernisation has brought in a interruption down in household values and frame work of household support, economic insecurity, societal isolation, and aged maltreatment taking to a host of psychological unwellnesss. In the last decennaries joint household system was really common, with batch of household members about. In such a state of affairs the old age people got much attending from all their kids. Even after their retirement they were engaged with some other work like little shopping, traveling out with their expansive kids etc. , so they do n't experience lonely believing about themselves, and their jobs and aging procedure. Their kids besides provided attention to the parents. Today due to the socio cultural alterations the joint household form has changed to atomic 1s. And even if there is a joint household the members are restricted to 4 or 5. This has created great impact on the old age people as they are left entirely due to the higher instruction and settled occupations of their kids in abroad and now yearss even with the females working, they receive no attending at all. Some do direct fiscal aid for their parents but whereas, some do non even turn to hold expression towards their parents. Since the kids are off and no organic structure to care for them, they feel lonely, go down and more concerned about their wellness jobs much more. The development of old age places was based on back uping the old age people. There are old age places run by the authorities and non governmental organisations. Even though some old age places are giving proper attention with all installations to the people, some old age places are supplying merely shelter and nutrient, and there are no medical installations available. Harmonizing to national sample study ( 2002 ) , there were 728 Old age places in India. Out of these, 325 places are free of cost while 95 old age places are on wage & A ; stay installations. A sum of 278 old age places all over the state are available for the ill and 101 places are entirely for adult females. Kerala has 124 old age places which is the maximal in any province. Reports show that, admittance to a nursing place cause situational depression in the aged. Unfortunately every bit many as 50 per centum of all nursing place occupants are clinically depressed. Nursing place staff often fails to place depression in aged occupants, possibly because it is so prevailing, but it is non merely merely a normal portion of the aging procedure. It can be treated. Aged people remaining in old age place will hold concerns about personal jobs or state of affairs that can straiten their slumber. Emotional emphasis causes a individual to be tense and frequently leads to frustration when slumber does non come. Aged people often experiences losingss that lead to emphasize such as retirement, physical damage, and loss of loved one time. Due to physical jobs like hurting, take a breathing trouble, and emotional perturbations old age place occupants are sing hapless quality of slumber and psychological well-being. There are several surveies which bespeaking sleep fluctuation during old age. Dr. Michael Vitiello, ( 2009 ) stated that slumber starts to deteriorate in late in-between age and steadily erodes from so on. With aging, the proportion of entire sleep clip spent in deep ( stage 3 or 4 ) non rapid oculus motion sleep lessenings. The aged tend to hold more trouble falling and remaining asleep than younger grownups. The aged tend to fall asleep earlier in the eventide and awaken earlier in the forenoon. With aging, recovery from perturbations in the sleep-wake rhythm and in circadian beat tends to go more hard. Many drugs normally used by the aged and many upsets common among the aged can upset slumber. Since emotional perturbations and sleep want are more common among old age place occupants every one needs to develop methods for raising the relaxation response, the natural unwinding of the emphasis response. Relaxation lowers the blood force per unit area, respiration, and pulse rates, releases musculus tenseness, and eases emotional strains. During emphasis and anxiousness external respiration becomes shallow and rapid. Taking a deep breath is an automatic and effectual technique for weaving down. Deep external respiration exercises consciously escalate this natural physiological reaction and can be really utile during a nerve-racking state of affairs, or for keeping a relaxed province during the twenty-four hours and besides it promotes sleep, there by it improves the psychological well-being of the aged people. American doctor Edmund Jacobson ( 1920 ) argued that since musculus tenseness accompanies anxiousness, one can cut down anxiousness by larning how to loosen up the muscular tenseness. PMR entails a physical and mental constituent. Progressive relaxation involves alternately tensing and loosen uping the musculuss. A individual utilizing PMR may get down by sitting or lying down in a comfy place. With the eyes closed, the musculuss are tensed ( 10 seconds ) and relaxed ( 20 seconds ) consecutive through assorted parts of the organic structure. The whole PMR session takes about 30 proceedingss. Numerous controlled surveies have evaluated relaxation therapies for the intervention of insomnia. These surveies are chiefly combined with other methods such as biofeedback, sleep limitation, and self-contradictory purpose ( seeking non to kip ) . Overall, the grounds indicates that relaxation therapies may be slightly helpful for insomnia at that place by it helps to better the physical and psychological well being.Need FOR THE STUDYOld age people are like the tones of cognition and experience in your basket but their suggestion non suit for this coevals. ( Henry Donald ) Presently, in this modern universe there is a great diminution in the joint household system, less importance to the household values and reduced regard to aged people which consequences in economic insecurity, societal isolation, and aged maltreatment taking to increased figure of elderly destitute in India. As a consequence there are legion old age places has emerged as a new tendency to take care the aged in India, fundamentally it was the civilization followed in western states. Old age places are a necessity in the present twenty-four hours scenario as the younger coevals are remaining off from the parents due to occupation, instruction, settled in abroad and besides due to the scarceness of the resources to run into their demands ( like medical sweeps, nutrients etc ) . But old age places should see merely as a secondary option. Elders in the household are decidedly an plus. It is they who can leave the much needed ethical values and codification of behavior in the younger coevals. It is the duty of each and every citizen in India particularly wellness attention forces to safe guard life of aged people. We need to take immediate steps to better the quality of life of aged particularly those who do non hold anybody to take attention of them. Old age places should hold equal physical installations, nutrient, safety and security, and medical installations. Unfortunately non all the old age places are holding all the installations particularly the medical installations. Reports shows that about 50 per centum of all nursing place occupants are clinically depressed. And another common issue of aged people remaining in old age place is their slumber is disrupted by brief argus-eyed minutes typically enduring approximately 3 to 10 seconds. And besides they are holding job in falling asleep. The clip taken to kip after traveling to bed is prolonged. By bettering sleep and emotional stableness one can advance the psychosocial well-being and quality of life of aged people. Relaxation therapy is one of the best method to better concentration, emotional stableness and advancing slumber by easing organic structure and head and cut downing emphasis and anxiousness. From the literature reappraisal it is rather apparent that relaxation therapy is good to better the psycho societal well-being and quality of slumber. There are different techniques in transporting out the relaxation therapy and some of the technique has already been tried out in station operative hurting decrease, anxiousness decrease in India and in other states. Among all the relaxation techniques deep external respiration and progressive musculus relaxation a technique does non take much clip to execute, requires no particular equipments, except a composure and comfy topographic point to make the exercising. Both are really simple to learn and pattern by any age group. The research worker, during her clinical poster in geriatric ward, visited assorted old age places and community countries and found out that most of the aged people are enduring from wakefulness, and emotional perturbation, memory shortage, hapless concentration. They are really much worried about their jobs. There is a demand for effectual, low-priced intercessions that are ecologically acceptable and efficient. Old age place occupants are chiefly take attention by the geriatric nurse who is remaining along with them in old age place every bit good as in clinical scene. Old age place staffs need to take stairss to better the quality of life of aged people by loosen uping their head and organic structure and bettering their slumber. So the research worker wanted to make something for the benefit of this population. The research worker felt a demand to measure the consequence of deep external respiration and progressive musculus relaxation technique on bettering psycho societal well- being and quality of slumber in aged people remaining in old age place.STATEMENT OF PROBLEM:A survey to measure the effectivity of selected relaxation techniques on the degree of psychosocial well-being and quality of slumber among old age people in selected old age place at Coimbatore.AIM OF THE STUDYThe purpose of the survey is to measure whether relaxation technique make a difference in the degree of psychosocial well-being and slumber among old age people after the relaxation therapy compared to those who do non have relaxation therapy.Specific OBJECTIVESThe specific aims of the survey were, To measure and compare the degree of psychosocial well-being ( cognitive, emotional, societal, and religious well-being ) in the experimental and control group, before and after the intercession To measure and compare the quality of slumber in the experimental and control group before and after the intercession To tie in the selected demographic variables like age, gender, physical unwellness, supportive system with degree of psychosocial well-being and quality of slumberHypothesisH1: There will be a important difference in the average mark of psychosocial well-being in the experimental group before and after the intercession H2: There will be a important difference in the average mark of cognitive well-being in the experimental group before and after the intercession H3: There will be a important difference in the average mark of emotional well-being in the experimental group before and after the intercession H4: There will be a important difference in the average mark of societal well-being in the experimental group before and after the intercession H5: There will be a important difference in the average mark of religious well-being in the experimental group before and after the intercession H6: There will be a important difference in the quality of slumber in the experimental group before and after the intercession H7: There is important relation between degree of psychosocial well-being and quality of slumber in the experimental and control groupOPERATIONAL DEFINITIONSSleep: Sleep is a province of remainder in which the nervous system is inactive, the eyes are closed, the musculuss are relaxed and the head is unconscious. The features of slumber can be verbalized by a individual who experiences the slumber. In this survey, the self study of slumber is measured by standard Pittsburg sleep quality index graduated table Psycho Social Wellbeing: a subjective term that means different things to different people. A feeling of health by an person. In this survey it include the felling of health in psychological, societal, religious and behavioural facet of an person, which is measured by a modified ego reported psycho societal wellbeing assessment graduated table Cognitive well-being ; cognitive well-being is a subjective phenomena which reflects the ability of the single sing how to believe, comprehend, retrieve and larn facts and thoughts, which is measured by a modified ego reported psycho societal wellbeing assessment graduated table. Emotional well-being ; it is a subjective statement which reflects how positively an single feels, perceives, and reacts to the internal and external stimulations and it can be assessed by increasing bosom rate, respiration, BP. In this survey emotional well-being is measured by single mark obtained from modified psycho societal wellbeing assessment graduated table. Social well-being ; it is a subjective statement, which reflects how good an person is able to interact with the fellow people, is able to set to state of affairss, is able to keep positive societal position, is able to affect in group activities, which is measured by a modified ego reported psycho societal wellbeing assessment graduated table. Religious well-being: It is a subjective statement which reflects how an single perceives sing God, how of import does one see supplication to be in their life, which is measured by a modified ego reported psycho societal wellbeing assessment graduated table. Relaxation Techniques: It is individualized or combined, consistently executed exercisings, used to ease the organic structure and head by wind offing natural emphasis response therefore take downing the blood force per unit area, respiration and pulse rate, loosen uping the musculus and easing emotional strains. In this survey, relaxation techniques used are deep external respiration exercising and progressive musculus relaxation techniques. Deep Breathing Exercise is a technique of external respiration in which a individual inhale through nose slowly and deeply to the count of 10, where the tummy and venters expands, but the thorax does non lift up. Exhale through the oral cavity easy and wholly. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique is an exercising, in which a individual sits in a chair comfortably.. He so tenses each musculus every bit tightly as he can, for a count of one to ten and so releases it wholly.Premise:1. Aging is a normal portion of human development. 2. The forms of aging vary greatly among older people. 3. Aging is an nonvoluntary procedure which alters normal biological, psychological and societal maps. 4. Psycho societal well-being of the older people will change based on certaidemographic factors such as Age, Sex, Education, available supportive system. 5. Variability in the sleep behaviours of older people is common.Restrictions:As sample size is little consequence can non be generalized Datas on psycho societal well-being and quality of slumber based on verbal study may non be a true contemplation of what they experience.Boundary lines:The survey is delimited to one old age place in Coimbatore. The survey is delimited to people in the age group 65-85 yearScope of the surveyThis survey will assist to measure the degree of psycho societal well-being and quality of slumber of the old age people remaining in old age place before and after the intercession. If there is important betterment in the degree of psycho societal well-being and quality of slumber, it is a clear indicant of effectivity of relaxation techniques. These relaxation techniques will be good for the aged people remaining in old age place. It can be easy implemented and taught by nurses who are employed in old age places every bit good as in geriatric ward in infirmaries.CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORKConceptual frame work refers to interconnected constructs or abstractions that are assembled together in some rational strategy by virtuousness of their relevancy to a common subject ( Polit Hunger – 1997 ) Theoretical theoretical account for this survey was derived from Callista Roy ‘s Adaptation Theory ( 1996 ) . Roy employs a feedback rhythm of input, throughput, and end product. Input is identified as stimulations, which can come from the environment or from within a individual. Stimuli are classified as focal ( instantly facing the individual ) , contextual ( all other stimulations, that are present ) or residuary ( non particular such as cultural beliefs or attitude about unwellness ) . Input besides includes a individual ‘s version degree ( the scope of stimulation to which a individual can accommodate easy. Through input we can do usage of a individual ‘s procedures and effecters. â€Å" Procedure † refers to the control mechanisms that a individual uses as an adaptative system. â€Å" Effecters † refers to the physiological map, self concept, and function map involved in version. In the adaptative system, the term â€Å" system † is defined as ego parts connected to work as a whole for some intent and it so by virtuousness of the mutuality of its parts. This has two major internal control procedure called â€Å" regulator † and â€Å" cognator † . Regulator bomber system consists of internal procedure including chemical, impersonal, and endocrine – transmit the stimulations, doing end product – physiological response, cognator and bomber system regulates self constructs, function map and inter dependance. End product is the result of the system ; when the system is a individual, end product is categorized as adaptative responses ( Those that promote a individual ‘s unity ) or uneffective responses ( those that do non advance end accomplishment ) these responses provide feedback for the system. The modified theoretical account in this survey explains the input as the focal stimulation viz. hapless psycho societal well-being and hapless quality of slumber. The contextual stimulation are age, sex, instruction, continuance of remaining in old age place, no of kids, presence of visitants. The get bying mechanism of the cognator subsystem occurs as a consequence of relaxation therapy. The experimental group is subjected to relaxation therapy. The adaptative responses among the experimental group of old age people show betterment in the psycho societal well-being and quality of slumber. The control group that has non undergone the relaxation therapy might non demo an effectual version. Figure – 1 high spots he conceptual model based on modified Roy ‘s version theoretical account. CHAPTER – ThreeRESEARCH METHODOLOGYMethodology of research organizes all the constituents of the survey in a manner that is most likely to take to valid replies to the bomber jobs that have been posed ( Burns and Grove, 2002 ) . It refers to assorted logical stairss that are by and large adopted by the research worker in analyzing the research job. This chapter presents the research design, puting, population, sample size and sampling technique, trying standards, tools used, building of the tools, cogency, dependability, pilot survey, and informations aggregation adopted for the survey.RESEARCH APPROACHThe research attack is an overall program chosen to transport out the survey. The choice of research attack is the basic process for the behavior of research enquiry. An appraising attack was used in this survey as the survey aimed at measuring the effectivity of selected relaxation techniques on psycho societal well being and quality of slumberRESEARCH DESIGNA quasi experimental pretest and station trial two group design was used to prove the effectivity of relaxation therapy over psycho societal well-being and slumber of old age people in old age place.Experimental group1st hebdomad 2nd hebdomad 3rd hebdomad 4th hebdomadO1 XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX O2Control groupO1 — — — — — — â €” — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — – O2 O1 Pre intercession appraisal of degree of psychosocial well-being and quality of slumber in experimental and control group. O2 station intercession appraisal of degree of psychosocial well-being and quality of slumber after 4 hebdomads in experimental and control group. Ten deep external respiration exercising and progressive musculus relaxation technique.Variables IN THE SurveyIndependent variable – selected relaxation techniques ( Deep external respiration exercising and progressive musculus relaxation technique ) Dependent variables _ Psycho Social Wellbeing ( cognitive, Emotional, Social and Spiritual ) and Quality of SleepSetting OF THE STUDYâ€Å" Puting † refers to the country where the survey is conducted. The scene for the survey was a selected old age place at Coimbatore. Entire population of the old age place is 150 members. It is managed by Samaritan sisters entirely for aged and destitute. The standard for the admittance in old age place are aged and destitute above 60 old ages. It is a service oriented place and no fees for stay and nutrient. A medical squad contains 1 general doctor and 2 nurses will see one time in a month to the place and provides medical service to the people. The old age place contains two separate block for male and female. Common dining hall, supplication hall, garden. In each block there are two floors – Land floor is called ill ward where aged bed ridden people are shacking. In first floor nomadic aged people are shacking.TARGET POPULATIONThe population under the survey was all the males and females were remaining in the old age place and fulfilled the standards for sample choice.SAMPLE SIZESample refers to a subset of population that is selected to take part in a peculiar survey ( Burns and Grove 2002 ) . In this survey the sample size consisted of 50 inmates of the old age place ( 25 samples in control group and 25 in experimental group ) .Sampling TechniqueThe samples who fulfilled the standards were selected by simple random sampling technique. Lot method was used to delegate the samples into experimental group and control group. Sampling CRITERIAInclusion standardsAged people both male and female in the age group of 65-85yrs Those who were willing to take part Those who were physically and mentally able to take part in the surveyExclusion standardsThose who were bed ridden unable to sit entirely and do exert Those who were mentally unqualified to follow the bids Un co-operative peopleResearch ToolThe tool used for the informations aggregation was An interview agenda organized in 3 parts. Part 1: Demographic informations consisted of personal information like age, sex, matrimonial position, instruction, continuance of stay in old age place, presence of relations, visitants and presence of physical unwellness, sentiment about immediate environment which include nutrient, safety and security and comfort. Part 2: Psycho societal wellbeing graduated table. It was prepared by the research worker with expert ‘s counsel by utilizing geriatric depression graduated table and WHO Health Related Quality of Life index graduated table. It was designed to measure the psycho societal well-being in four dimensions ( cognitive, emotional, societal and religious well-being ) . There are 6 points in each dimension. Some inquiries are positive and some negative. There are two columns ‘yes ‘ ‘no ‘ to enter the response. Positive inquiries were 2 and 3 in cognitive dimension, 1, 3 and 4 in emotional dimension, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in societal dimension, and all 6questions in religious dimension. Negative inquiries were 1, 4, 5 and 6 in cognitive dimension, 2, 5 and 6 in emotional dimension, 1 and 6 in societal dimension. Part 3: Pittsburg sleep quality index graduated table. It was standardized tool to measure quality of slumber. It has 9 points ( subjective slumber quality, sleep continuance, sleep latency, sleep efficiency, sleep perturbation, usage of sleep medicines and twenty-four hours clip disfunctions, which subjectively describe the individual ‘s sleep quality for the month.Marking AND INTERPRETATION OF MarkingScoring – psycho societal well-being appraisalFor positive inquiries a response in the ‘yes ‘ column was given a mark of 1and in the ‘no ‘ column a mark of ‘0 ‘ was given. For negative inquiries a response in the ‘yes ‘ column was given a mark of 0 and in the ‘no ‘ column a mark of ‘1 ‘ was given. In all the dimensions the maximal mark was ‘6 ‘ and the minimal mark was ‘0 ‘ .The mark was interpreted as0 – 2 Poor 3 – 4 Moderate 5 – 6 Good It was same in all four dimensions ( cognitive, emotional, societal and religious well-being )Scoring – Pittsburg sleep quality index graduated tableIn hiting the Pittsburg sleep quality index graduated table, seven constituent tonss are derived, each scored ‘0 ‘ ( no trouble ) to 3 ( terrible trouble ) . The constituent tonss are summed to bring forth over all mark ( run 0 to 21 ) . In seven constituents each one is interpreted as 0 Very good 1 Reasonably good 2 Reasonably bad 3 Very badOverall PSQI MarkSum of seven constituents tonss & lt ; 5 – Good slumber quality & gt ; 5 – Poor sleep qualityDEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING PLAN ON DEEP BREATHING AND PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION TECHNIQUEDeep external respiration exercisingDeep external respiration is a powerful anti-stress technique. When we bring air down into the lower part of the lungs, where the O exchange is most efficient, bosom rate slows, blood force per unit area decreases, musculuss relax, anxiousness simplicities and the head composure.Progressive musculus relaxation techniqueProgressive Muscle Relaxation is a relaxation technique used to let go of emphasis by straining and so loosen uping each musculus group of the organic structure, one group at a clip. Deep external respiration and progressive musculus relaxation are basically a province of bring oning deep musculus relaxation of the whole organic structure and relaxed respiratory beat A instruction program on Deep external respiration and progressive musculus relaxation technique is prepared to assist people to larn the exercising.The undermentioned stairss were adopted to develop the instruction program1. Development of purpose and aims based on the survey aims 2. Choice of learning larning content 3. Choice of learning acquisition activities 4. Choice of Audio Visual Aids 5. Organization of the contentThe contents included were1. Basic constructs of deep external respiration exercising and progressive musculus relaxation technique 2. Advantages of deep external respiration exercising and progressive musculus relaxation technique 3. Presentation of the relaxation techniques 4. Practice and re presentation 5. Palingenesis 6. Direction to follow upDeep external respiration exercisingExhale wholly through your oral cavity, doing a whoosh sound. Near your oral cavity and inhale softly through your olfactory organ to a mental count of four. Keep your breath for a count of seven Exhale wholly through your oral cavity, doing a whoosh sound to a count of eight. This is one breath. Now inhale once more and reiterate the rhythm three more times for a sum of four breaths.Progressive musculus relaxation techniqueAfter the deep external respirationClench your fists. Keep for 7-10 seconds and so let go of for 15-20 seconds. Tighten your biceps by pulling your forearms up toward your shoulders and â€Å" doing a musculus † with both weaponries. Hold†¦ and so loosen up. Tighten your triceps — the musculuss on the bottoms of your upper weaponries — by widening your weaponries out directly and locking your cubituss. Hold†¦ and so loosen up. Strain the musculuss in your brow by raising your superciliums every bit far as you can. Keep†¦ and so loosen up. Imagine your forehead musculuss going smooth and hitch as they relax. Strain the musculuss around your eyes by clinching your palpebras tightly shut. Keep†¦ and so relax.A Imagine esthesiss of deep relaxation distributing all around them. Tighten your jaws by opening your oral cavity so widely that you stretch the musculuss around the flexible joints of your jaw. Tighten the musculuss in the dorsum of your cervix by drawing your caput manner back ; as if you were traveling to touch your caput to your dorsum ( be gentle with this musculus group to avoid hurt ) . Tighten your shoulders by raising them up as if degree Fahrenheit you were traveling to touch your ears. Hold†¦ and so loosen up. Tighten the musculuss around your shoulder blades by forcing your shoulder blades back as if you were traveling to touch them together. Tighten the musculuss of your thorax by taking in a deep breath. Clasp for up to 10 seconds†¦ and so let go of easy. Tighten your tummy musculuss by sucking your tummy in. Keep†¦ and so let go of. Imagine a moving ridge of relaxation distributing through your venters. Try to touch both elbows together behind your dorsum. imperativeness the little of your dorsum into the chair or floor Tighten your natess by drawing them together. Keep†¦ and so loosen up. Imagine the musculuss in your hips traveling loose and hitch. Widen your leg maintaining your pes relaxed, imperativeness the dorsum of your articulatio genus towards the floor Tighten your calf musculuss by-pulling your toes toward you ( flex carefully to avoid spasms ) . Hold†¦ and so loosen up. Tighten your pess by curving your toes downward. Keep†¦ and so loosen up. Mentally scan your organic structure for any residuary tenseness. If a peculiar country remains tense, reiterate one or two tense-relax rhythms for that group of musculus. The first bill of exchange of learning program is derived by maintaining in head the aims, literacy degree of the sample, and simpleness of the linguistic communication. The instruction program is developed in English and it is translated into Tamil ( appendix page no )DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOOLThe tool was developed based on the aims of the survey, Review of literature and treatment with expertsVALIDITY OF THE RESEARCH TOOLThe research tool including the aim of the survey along with the standards check list were submitted to five experts – three Nursing, one Geriatric doctor and one Clinical Psychologist. The three nursing experts were Professors with Masters Degree in Nursing and working in different colleges of nursing in Coimbatore with more than 5 old ages of experience. The geriatric doctor was working in a private infirmary in Coimbatore for more than 20 old ages. The Clinical Psychologist was working in a private infirmary in Coimbatore and had an experience crossing 15 old ages which included private pattern. Harmonizing to the expert ‘s sentiment alterations had been done and concluding proof done.RELIABILITY OF THE RESEARCH TOOLThe dependability of the psycho societal wellbeing assessment graduated table was tested by split half method. The trial was administered to 10 patients. Correlation co- efficient was calculated by Karl Pearson ‘s method. The obtained ‘r ‘ value was 0. 82 for overall psycho societal well being assessment graduated table Which confirmed that there was high positive correlativity and internal consistence of the tool.PILOT STUDY REPORTA pilot survey was conducted in the same old age place, where chief survey was intended to be carried out, to prove the feasibleness of survey. Permission was obtained from the concerned governments of the Old age place. The survey was carried out from 1 – 8 – 10 to 14 – 8 – 10, over a period of 14 yearss. 10 samples were selected, 5 in experimental and 5 in control group. Both male and female were included in this survey. The experimental and control group were selected by utilizing Simple Random Sampling technique – lottery method. After self debut, the research worker explained the nature of survey to the samples. After developing good resonance, the research worker collected the baseline informations on psychosocial well-being and quality of slumber of the samples for the past one month by questioning the samples separately. Deep Breathing and Progressive Muscle Relaxation techniques were taught and demonstrated to the 5 samples of the experimental group as a group learning and they were asked to re-demonstrate. The relaxation therapy was carried out for 30 proceedingss every twenty-four hours and it was continued for 14 yearss in the presence of research worker. On the 14th twenty-four hours the research worker conducted the Post trial was conducted by the research worker by utilizing same tool. The tools used were Psychosocial Wellbeing Assessment tool and The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The Psychosocial Wellbeing appraisal tool is holding 4 dimensions – Cognitive, Emotional, Social and Spiritual. The dependability of each dimensions were checked and the overall dependability of the tool was checked. The overall dependability of the tool was 0.82. Pilot survey proved the adequateness of the tools and techniques. Hence no alterations were required.DATA COLLECTION PROCEDUREThe chief survey was conducted in the same old age place where the pilot survey was conducted. Before beginning of informations aggregation one time once more the old age place authorization was informed and permission obtained. A hall was arranged for showing the exercising. Based on the sampling standards and technique 25 samples were selected for experimental group and the same figure of samples was selected for control group. After set uping good resonance and obtaining their willingness the research worker explained the intent of the survey ; obtain the willingness and engagement in the survey. By utilizing psycho societal well being assessment graduated table, and Pittsburg sleep Quality Index baseline information was collected from both group. The following twenty-four hours onwards the research worker stayed in the old age place from 5 – 6 autopsy. The experimental group was divided into two subgroups, male and female individually. harmonizing to learning program relaxation therapy taugt and demonstrated seperately for male and female in 2 session. The old age people were asked to re-demonstrate and carryout the exercisings 30 proceedingss a twenty-four hours for 30 yearss in the presence of research worker. For control group no intercession was given. In both groups, On 30th twenty-four hours the research worker conducted the station trial by utilizing the same tool collected on degree of psycho societal well-being and quality of slumber. The survey was done from 15 – 8 – 2009 to 15 – 9 – 2009.Plan FOR DATA ANALYSISThe information obtained would be analyzed in footings of the aims of the survey utilizing descriptive and illative statistics.Descriptive statistics:Frequency and per centum distribution were used to analyse demographic variables, to measure the degree of psycho societal well-being, and quality of slumber of experimental and control group before the intercession. Mean and standard divergence were used to find the difference in degree of psycho societal well-being, and quality of slumber.Inferential statistics:‘t ‘ trial was used to find the important of the difference in degree of psycho societal well-being and quality of slumber. ‘Chi square ‘ trial was used to tie in the demographic variables with degree of psycho societal well-being and quality of slumber.